Our drop-in Coffee Time is each Thursday from 10:30 AM to noon
Our next free soup luncheon is Thursday, September 26th
Evening service in Margaretsville – Sunday, September 15th at 7:00 P.M. All are welcome to come and enjoy these evenings of music and story by the shore.
Kingston United's Sherbrooke Lake Camp Weekend is happening September 13th to 15th!! All are welcome to spend time at this beautiful place - come for the weekend or for a day or for a few hours! Saturday lunch and Saturday/Sunday breakfasts provided for a small cost and Saturday supper is a potluck. On Sunday, there will be a church service at 11:00 A.M. followed by a potluck lunch. For more info contact Kathy or Jim Spurrell 902-765-6223 **Please note that there IS church service in Kingston on September 15th**.
Upcoming events at Aylesford United Church - Pancake Breakfast - Saturday, September 21st from 8:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
There is a proposed book for a study in the fall: 'A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community,' by John Pavlovitz. If you would like to order a book, let Rev. Ian know. It is also available through Amazon for $23.00 before taxes and shipping.
For anyone looking for food bank donation ideas, a list of suggested items is posted on the church bulletin board.
Anyone who wishes to ‘befriend’ Rev. Ian on Facebook is requested to send an invite to me, upon which I will gladly respond. This keeps me from omitting anyone who may like to be connected in this way and so no one might be left out.
The Outreach Committee is looking for some new folks to join them. Please contact Joann.
A book is placed in the entryway to write prayer concerns you would like mentioned during the Prayers of the People.
If anyone would appreciate a visit from Rev. Ian, or know of someone who would like one, please let Rev. Ian know